Modular furniture with screen printed graphics.

City of Copenhagen

Environmental graphics, Signage, Wayfinding

Stefan Mylleager
Thomas Frederiksen

Brønshøj Skole

Decoration and wayfinding for Brønshøj School. The design is based on the architectural use of plywood and consists of decorative wayfinding markings of specialised classrooms, a complete signage system and playful modular graphics for kids furniture.


The furniture decoration consists of playful modular graphics in different themes. The boxes can be moved around and combined in countless playful compositions.

Kids playing on decorated furniture.
Graphics for school furniture.
Hallway with signage and graphic decoration.

The decorative wayfinding graphics spans from iconic to almost abstract and as the children aquire knowledge of each subject, a new understanding of the motifs will be achieved.

Graphic decoration detail.
Graphic decoration on plywood wall.
Kids walking in hallway with graphic decoration.

The main signs types are constructed of plywood with milled out black laminate. The rounded typeface for the signage has a nice warmth that suits the wooden school interior and ensure a precise finish of the milled out text.

You-are-here wayshowing map.
Plywood sign.
Elevator sign on wall.
Class room number signs.
Overhang sign on concrete column.
You-are-here overview sign.