Tagtomat ApS
Identity, illustration, Signage
Thomas Frederiksen
Design of a new visual identity for TAGTOMAT. The design reflects a open and curious approach, highlighting the company’s core values of DIY (Do It Yourself), recycling, upcycling, and Open Source principles. The visual concept consists of four key elements: large headings in capital letters, red and green signature colors, graphic illustrations inspired by handmade printing techniques, and the use of recycled paper for printing. Together, these components create a strong yet friendly visual language that supports TAGTOMAT in their mission to foster green communities around themes like climate, urban biodiversity, and ecology.
The facade signage for TAGTOMATs shop combines painted tomato illustrations and a cut out wooden logo with painted edges.

One of TAGTOMAT’s central products is a line of seed boxes. The boxes contain a selection of different seeds and a small printed folder with info and pictures of the plants.

Packaging design for TAGTOMAT’s Mushroom boxes for growing oyster mushrooms. The mushroom boxes are made from upcycled milk cartons which are filled with straw and mycelium. A hole is cut in the cardboard and edible oyster mushrooms grow after a few weeks.